Understanding Juvenile Crime in Baltimore City: Challenges and Solutions

Baltimore City, like many urban centers across the United States, grapples with the complex issue of juvenile crime. As a community, it's crucial for us to delve into the root causes, challenges, and potential solutions surrounding this issue. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at juvenile crime in Baltimore City, aiming to foster a deeper understanding and inspire positive change.

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History of Child Welfare and It’s Impact on Black Families

The history of child welfare in the United States is a complex narrative that has evolved significantly over the centuries. From its earliest beginnings to the present day, child welfare policies and practices have had a profound impact on Black families and children. In this blog post, we will delve into the historical journey of child welfare in America, its origins, and how it has influenced the lives of Black families and children.

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Chanell Jones
History of Juvenile Services

The history of juvenile services in the United States is a story of transformation, reflecting changing societal views on the treatment and rehabilitation of young offenders. From its origins in the early 19th century to the present day, the juvenile justice system has undergone significant changes, influenced by social, political, and legal factors. In this blog post, we'll explore the historical journey of juvenile services in America and how it has evolved over time.

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Chanell Jones