


Workshops, Webinars and Groups are facilitated by Creative Wellness Solutions, LLC.

We develop high-quality and engaging content for clinicians, community health professionals and laypersons.

Our workshops, trainings, webinars and groups provide a safe space for learning ways to enhance and support the healthy and optimal development of vulnerable African American families, children, and youth.


Black is a Culture, Not Just a Color

Black is much more than just a color; it is a rich and diverse culture that has influenced the world in countless ways.

This workshop explores the experiences, customs, and beliefs of black communities, promoting more culturally aware individuals dedicated to creating a more equal society. It increases understanding of persistent racism and prejudice and the impact it has on communities and service provision.

Black Family Dynamics

The family is the basic unit of any society, and the black family is no exception. As such, understanding the dynamics of black families can help us understand how to provide culturally sensitive support to them and appreciate the role that they play in society.

Co-Operative Parenting

Co-parenting can be tough for any family, and it can be considerably difficult for black parents due in part to the lasting effects of slavery on the black family structure, systemic racism, and the criminal justice system's disproportionate impact on black fathers. Which all contribute to unique challenges for black parents navigating co-parenting.

Despite these challenges, there are ways for black parents to successfully co-parent their children.

Individual/Group Counseling, Co-Parenting Consultation and Workshops are available, please check for specific times and availability.

Unpacking Your Biases

Being able to provide services to clients with diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors, including understanding clients’ social, cultural, and linguistic needs, improves the quality of services and outcomes of the intended target population.

This workshop focuses on skills needed in order to relate and work effectively with people from different backgrounds. Unpacking your biases helps employ strategies that promote self-awareness and enhance skills toward the provision of services that are culturally aware and intentional.